To register please contact us via email at ashurstwoodpreschool@gmail.com
phone 01342 825515 or
facebook message https://www.facebook.com/Ashurst-Wood-Community-Pre-School-108957990764304/
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Registration Form
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Fees and Funding
We charge a £30 registration fee, however this does not apply if you are solely using funded entitlement hours.
Early Years Funded Entitlement is available for working families with children aged from 9 months to school age meeting certain criteria to see if you would be eligible and apply please refer to the following link https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/education-children-and-families/childcare-and-early-education/childcare-options-and-funding/early-years-funded-entitlement-for-working-families/
2 year old Local Authority Early Years Funded entitlement can be applied for directly through the LA that you live in. Families who meet the eligibility criteria can claim up to 15 hours per week, for more information please refer to this linkhttps://www.westsussex.gov.uk/education-children-and-families/childcare-and-early-education/childcare-options-and-funding/2-year-old-local-authority-issued-early-years-funded-entitlement/
Children are entitled to up to 15 hours of funded entitlement per week (Universal), from the term after their third birthday, please see the following link for more information https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/education-children-and-families/childcare-and-early-education/childcare-options-and-funding/early-years-funded-entitlement/
An additional 15 hours are available in some circumstances (Extended) – childcarechoices.gov.uk
Our hourly charge is:
£2 per day for Early Start add-on (8.45am-9am)
£6.50 for Two year olds
£6.00 for Three to Four year olds
This fee helps us to provide high staff to children ratios and includes snacks and drinks.
You will be invoiced on an itemised bill at the beginning of each term, payment plans available.
Unfortunately we are unable to waive fees for absences due to sickness or holidays.
We require 6 weeks notice if your child will be leaving AWCP for reasons other than going to school.